Author: W.A. McDonald

Connected on Some Level

Social Media

I have never been very good at keeping in touch with old friends as the years pull our lives in different directions. I was lucky with the few friendships I have maintained over the years, that they were better at…

Peanut Butter & Jelly

Peanut Butter & Jelly

There was a time when I loved a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It was one of many fond memories of life with my grandparents in that little post WWII rambler in Bloomington, MN. For some reason, the ones my…

Some Things Need a Soundtrack


I am one of those people who is perfectly comfortable doing things by myself. I don’t need the company of others to legitimize my existence. Life offers plenty of adventures for those who are willing to go at it alone.…

Out of Ground Effect

Hovering in the trees

I don’t remember exactly when I fell in love with the prospect of flying.  I didn’t know any pilots growing up.  My first stepfather worked for the now long defunct airline Braniff, and because of that, there was some trips…

Wait Til Tomorrow…


What if we lived forever? Would anything get done? It is human nature to procrastinate. I have been putting of writing something for my blog for three days. Even the most productive people put stuff off because they don’t want…

Las Vegas

Las Vegas at night from afar.

Six years of being an over the road truck driver afforded me the opportunity to see all forty eight contiguous states. The vast majority of them I didn’t do anything more than drive through them. For some, that was all…

Album Art Work

Iron Maiden Album Art

I saw a piece on the news, or maybe it was a website about how the album is making a comeback. Yay! Sort of… I am a digital music fan for many reasons. I lament somewhere on this blog about…

Happy Valentine’s Day

Well, I just survived my fist Valentines weekend as a single man in twenty years. It is safe to say, there was absolutely no pressure on me to come up with a romantic gift. Didn’t have to pretend to feel…

Life is Fragile

White Jeep

My dream of being a writer has had its fits and starts. When I all but finished my first book, I wrote a couple more short stories, and then didn’t write a word for ten years. I was done with…