Author: W.A. McDonald

Rattled Mind

Book Cover

I am proud to announce that my first Sci-Fi book is available for purchase. Rattled Mind is a collection of short stories, all of which are available on this website. The difference between the stories on this website, and the…


HALO wingsuit jump

The blackness of space spreads out on all sides while the Earth is a distant field of blues, whites, and tans. I teeter at the very edge of space, hanging from an ever-expanding envelope of helium. This is my not…

Self Published Pap!

Bad Writing

Let me start his post by saying…yes, I am still writing. And not just the occasional blog post. Now this statement…one of the things I heard often as a fledgling writer is, read often. I used to wonder how does…

Lost Art of Maps

Compass Rose

Do you think kids these days are fascinated by maps. Is there even a chance that a kid knows what a paper map is? I know as a kid, I thought maps were the coolest things in the world. Folding…

Health Care Debate?

Old dude in a power chair

I normally do not use this forum for political topics. Frankly, no one gives a shit about my opinion. Nor will my arguments sway anyone else’s opinion. So many of my social media friends rant and rave, but it falls…

Selfish Act…

I used to believe that those who take their own lives are committing the ultimate selfish act! I no longer believe that. I also used to look at famous people and wonder what there is to be depressed about. They achieved what it…

Uber Trucking!

First Autonomous Truck

We are seeing a lot of press these days about autonomous vehicles.  Mostly cars, with Uber doing its best to push the driver out if its cars, meaning even higher profits.  Good for them.  However, It is not just a…

Sleep In

Sleep In

Mom is yelling from the top of the stairs to get out of bed It is summer, and you wonder, what is going on in her head You mumble, “I wish I were an adult, a man in one’s own…

It’s Back!

Terra’s Stripling Space Knights

Terra’s Stripling Space Nights is back on this website.  “Where did it go,” you ask.  Well if you are asking that question, then you need to follow me on Twitter so you know what the hell is going on around…

Alone With You

A better life you have made mine Your heart is warm, giving, & kind You give of yourself without regret A warm smile is always a safe bet Life with you is an adventure Occasionally, the odd misadventure You add…